Passage of Minecraft: guide, full passage of survival mode in Minecraft

Passage of Minecraft: guide, full passage of survival mode in Minecraft

It seems that everyone on the planet has heard of Minecraft at least once. The more surprising is that not everyone knows that the game, it turns out, can be passed! True, in survival mode. But still. This guide – how to pass the great game and close the (possible) gestalt. Let’s go!

How to pass Minecraft.
To pass Minecraft, you have to kill a dragon named Ender Dragon. It’s not that easy to do. Step-by-step instructions:

Find the Citadel.
To do this, you need to get the eyes of the Endermen (by killing them). You need about 20 eyes in total. Take the Endermen’s eye, go outside and throw it – it will fly towards the Citadel. Follow the eye just like Neo followed the white rabbit! You’ll have to walk far, and the eye might fall and break – that’s what we need not 1, but many eyes for.

When the eye hangs in place, it means we’ve found the Citadel. Dig deeper, and sooner or later you’ll find a room with a portal. Spread out the 12 eyes of the Endermen and…take your time.

You didn’t think killing the toughest boss in the game would be an easy task, did you? Your equipment must be diamond and magic (at least). What properties to focus on when choosing helmets:

Boots – fall damage reduction.
Swords – sharpness pumped to the max!
Food, restoring as much health as possible. Have to hit a lot.
Ladders – about 5-7 packs.
Enderman Pearls – for teleportation.
Blocks – for comfortable movement.
Potions for healing and night vision.
Pumpkin – protects from magical gaze on Endermen.
Piston and Redstone – to carry the dragon egg with you!

When you’ve brought all the necessary items with you – go to the portal. Put on your helmet. Walk forward until you come across a circle of obsidian pillars. Congratulations, you’ve found the dragon! So how do you defeat it?

Don’t waste your time attacking the dragon, because it gets hit when it gets close to the Crystals. So you have to destroy the Crystals first. Two are covered by a metal grid – break it with your pickaxe. With each broken Crystal, the dragon will attack more fiercely!

The Horcruxes are destroyed – it’s time to deal with the dragon itself. In fact, there’s no guide here – just hit the dragon and dodge his attacks. Sometimes he’ll fly away, but he’ll definitely come back!

Finish .
After the dragon lets out its last breath, you’ll get a sea of experience, the exit portal will turn on, and there will be a dragon egg on top of the portal.

Close the portal with blocks, opposite the egg is a piston.
Draw a Redstone line and turn on the piston – it will move the egg.
Congratulations – you’ve made it through Minecraft! But you know the game doesn’t end there, right? Because it can be played endlessly…