Assessing Your Behavior Score in Dota 2

Assessing Your Behavior Score in Dota 2

Valve, the developer of Dota 2, has always prioritized fairness and balance among players, regardless of their expertise. In public matches, careful matchmaking ensures that players are grouped based on their skill levels and behavior. Matchmaking ratings (MMR) and win/loss records are used to determine skill levels, with the system striving to minimize skill gaps in each match. To evaluate players’ in-game behavior, Dota 2 utilizes a metric called behavior score. Those with high scores are more likely to be matched with well-behaved individuals, while toxic players are grouped with similar counterparts.

To stay informed about your account’s status, it is important to regularly check your behavior score. This article will guide you through the process, providing you with the knowledge to monitor and assess your in-game conduct effectively in Dota 2.

Insight into Dota 2 Conduct: How to Assess Your Summary

By assessing your behavior summary, you can understand how your actions impact the overall gaming experience. Whether it’s monitoring your score, evaluating reports received, or reflecting on your in-game interactions, taking the time to assess your summary empowers you to make positive changes and foster a respectful and enjoyable community within Dota 2.

To review your behavior score in Dota 2, follow these steps:

  • Access the homepage and locate your profile name in the upper-left corner of the screen;
  • Scroll down within the PROFILE tab until you find the CONDUCT SUMMARY box near the bottom of the screen. Look for either a smiley or sad face icon, indicating your behavior score;
  • Click on the CONDUCT SUMMARY box to open a pop-up window that displays your lifetime behavior score and provides insights into the actions that have influenced your rating.
gyrocopter points in Dota 2

Crucial Elements That Impact Your Behavior Score in Dota 2

The computation of behavior score points in Dota 2 is currently not transparent and lacks precise information. However, it is widely understood that there are various factors that can positively or negatively impact the rating. These factors encompass a range of in-game behaviors, such as communication, sportsmanship, cooperation with teammates, frequency of abandons, and reports received from other players. While the exact weightage and algorithm behind the calculation remain undisclosed, being mindful of these influencing factors can help players strive for positive conduct and maintain a favorable behavior score in Dota 2.

  • Commends

At the conclusion of a match in Dota 2, players have the option to commend each other for exhibiting qualities such as friendliness, forgiveness, effective teaching, or strong leadership during the game. Receiving commendations from other players results in an increase in points. The more commendations a user accumulates, the higher their overall rating will be.

  • Abandons

In Dota 2, if a player leaves a game and fails to reconnect within five minutes, they are deemed to have abandoned the match.

Intentionally leaving a game is considered a form of misconduct as it undermines the experience for other players. Each instance of abandonment contributes to a decrease in the player’s conduct score. It’s worth noting that once a player has disconnected from the game, others are free to leave without incurring an abandon count in their statistics.

  • Gameplay Reports

In order to cultivate a positive gaming environment, developers have introduced a reporting system in Dota 2. This system allows players to report individuals who exhibit unhealthy or abusive behavior. If your account receives valid reports, it can lead to a decrease in your behavior score.

When faced with such players, it is important to take action by learning how to effectively report incidents in Dota 2. By doing so, you contribute to fostering a healthier and more enjoyable community for all players.

  • Communication Abuse

Engaging in highly offensive or disruptive communication within Dota 2 is strictly prohibited. Players who are reported and found guilty of engaging in abusive or disruptive communication will experience a decrease in their behavior scores. The game developers prioritize a respectful and harmonious environment for all players, and taking action against communication misconduct is an essential part of maintaining a positive gaming experience.

The Peak of Behavior Scores

10000-lifetime behavior score

The highest achievable behavior score in Dota 2 is 10,000. A behavior score ranging from 9,000 to 10,000 indicates exemplary conduct within the game. However, once your score drops below 8,000, it signifies a decline in your in-game behavior and serves as a reflection of poor conduct. Monitoring and improving your behavior score is crucial to maintaining a positive gaming experience in Dota 2.

Raising Your Behavior Score

Increasing your behavior score in Dota 2 is not a process that can be expedited. It primarily hinges on how you are perceived by others within the community. Unfortunately, there may be instances where unfriendly players downvote you despite your positive interactions with them.

One of the simplest ways to elevate your behavior score is by managing your emotions, particularly during challenging moments when your team is struggling. Refrain from engaging in negative communication with your teammates and avoid provoking them, especially during intense phases of the match.

Additionally, offering praise and support to your teammates can prove beneficial. Commend them when they secure solo kills, alert the team of potential enemy ganks, or orchestrate successful ambushes.

your conduct summary in Dota 2

Furthermore, if you perform well, you may receive commendations from your teammates. By honing your skills and learning how to excel in Dota 2, you can contribute significantly to the match, increasing your chances of leading your team to victory.


Regularly monitoring your behavior score in Dota 2 is crucial to maintaining a positive gaming experience. Failing to do so could result in frequently encountering toxic players due to a low conduct rating.

When you notice a decline in your behavior score, it’s important to take action and identify areas for improvement. Boosting your behavior score doesn’t require complex strategies; instead, it revolves around displaying positivity towards both teammates and opponents, keeping your composure during matches, and promptly reporting instances of harassment.

By actively working on enhancing your behavior score, you contribute to fostering a more enjoyable and respectful community within Dota 2. Remember, small efforts towards positivity can have a significant impact on your overall gaming experience.