While we sat around the fire, from the other end of the tunnel came the voices of the allies who had been attacked. In just a few seconds, the Blacks engulfed our minds, and we were forced to kill all of our comrades-in-arms.
Waking up, we communicate with Han. He reports the ashes of the Blacks found on the surface. We must make contact with them to learn of their intentions. Henceforth we are members of the Order and are under the command of Melnik. Khan has gone to fetch the Miller. We take the lighter and the diary from the table. It will record the current tasks. The compass will show the right path to the goal. Exit the room and turn left. Walk to the end of the long corridor and get to the armory. From the rack we pick up a gas mask and a couple of filters for it. We also need first-aid kits and army cartridges, which are both ammunition and local currency. Army ammo does a lot more damage, but it can be used to buy ammo of any caliber at the appropriate rate. From the rack on the right take three of any gun. Even more to the right is a shooting gallery, on it and test our guns. Shoot at the targets that appear. To penetrate armored targets, you need to shoot them long and hard. Or a precise shot to hit the head. We replenish ammunition and pass on.
When the gate opens, together with Khan and Ulman we enter the elevator. Once at the top, we move towards the command center to the Melnik. The command thinks the Blacks are a threat to the Order. Han, on the other hand, is of the opposite opinion. Instead, the Order’s best sniper, Anna, will go with us. We follow her to the elevator and go up to the platform. We wait for the arrival of the monorail and get on it.
Chapter 2: The Ashes
“A year ago, standing at the top of the TV tower, I watched rockets fall on the Botanical Gardens, turning all living things to ash, melting metal and glass. No one and nothing could survive that hell. But Han found Black there. Now it is my duty and my mission to find and destroy him. To finish what he started.”
We arrive at Metro 2 Station. We disembark, turn on the flashlight and follow Anna. Open the gate by pulling the lever on the right side. We go upstairs, open the door and enter the sewer. Turn right and get to the stairs. Before we go to the surface, put on a gas mask. The clock will start counting down the time, after which the filter will become unusable. One minute before, we hear a signal. Once up, we follow Anna to the main entrance. We wipe the glass of the gas mask more often to improve visibility. We walk the rest of the way on our own.
Three fighters from the Red Line are taken prisoner with us. Two of them are killed, and together with the third we manage to take out the enemies. The door is locked with a remote lock, so we roll down the garbage chute. We follow the ally and wait for the elevator to leave. We get to the other side while in the shadows. The grate won’t break through, so we walk up to our partner and drop him off. We climb up the stairs that came down. We crouch down and freeze in place if necessary. We sneak up on the right side of the opponent and kill him. Pull the lever and climb the stairs.
We get a pistol with a silencer from our partner. An important feature of the clock is the light sensor. If the blue light on it is lit, then we are easily spotted. Once there, we leave the airlock and move along the right side. Hit the enemy on the other side with a well-aimed headshot. Watch the wall so you don’t miss the stairs. We climb up and get to the bridge. Wait for the enemy to go over it, and then sneak up and neutralize him. Get to the other side. We clear the room of enemies and take out the ones sitting by the console. We pull the lever to release the prisoners. We go over and pull the lever on the right side of the gate. All that’s left is to quickly get inside.
Chapter 4. The Reich
“The escape from the Nazi prison went under the motto “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And that friend’s name was Pavel. He was the commander of a Red scout group destroyed by the Nazis. I never had much sympathy for Communists, but Pavel acted like a hero.
We go up the escalator and begin to make our way through the crowd of enemies. Soon we will be discovered and the chase begins. Accelerated, we run after Paul, jump at his command and manage to pass under the almost closed gates. We use the trolley to finally escape from the Reich. We shoot the enemies that appear before the transport moves away to a safe distance.
Chapter. Parting
We speed up and ram the grate. We move through the tunnel on our own two feet. We locate the pipe and put Pavel up against it. The enemies have grabbed his partner and have already sent fighters to our position. We take cover behind the concrete slab on the right side and be sure to turn off the flashlight. When the patrols move away, catch up with them and destroy them one by one. Return to the opened gate. Shoot the lamp on top and the one that is constantly rotating.